Christina MacEwen
sculpture 1990 - present

intro sculpture technical biography contact

drawings 1

Drawing, for me, simply is one of life’s necessities. I have always drawn – anywhere, anytime, anything. Before I began my studies at OCA two successful solo exhibitions of drawings were hosted by the University of Toronto, at University College Women’s Union, and Innis College.
I have continued to draw all my life.

top left:  Pinioned
top centre:  Edge of the Abyss
top right:  Nightbird
bottom left:  Dreamer Holding the Moon
bottom center:  Across the Divide
bottom right:  Remnants of Summer Light

While drawings are not prepared specifically for sculptural work, a lifetime of drawing underlies my three dimensional pieces.

first drawing - Amphibian: ventral study
intro drawings 1
drawings 2
technical biography contact

copyright 2012 - all rights reserved
Christina MacEwen